The Defense Digital Service (DDS) is repurposing its automated background investigations prototype to focus on insider threats, which includes a name change from the System for Automated Background Evaluation and Review (SABER) to the System for Insider Threat Hindrance (SITH).
According to a special notice, DDS is looking to award a hybrid Firm Fixed Price (FFP) and Time and Materials (T&M) with Labor Hours type contract to TrussWorks, Inc. “without using full and open competition to procure agile development services and delivery of a minimally viable product (MVP) for the [SITH].” The contract has a one-year base period and one-year add-on option totaling $14.8 million.

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DDS began developing SABER in 2019 to develop a system to collect subject information, execute a background investigation, and help with records and adjudication decisions.
“Through the discovery and development of SABER, TrussWorks has gained an in-depth understanding of the full background investigation process and related dependencies as it relates to the DoD [Department of Defense],” the notice said. “[SITH] will leverage the same data sets and similar workflows and much of the SABER code to automate insider threat reporting and investigation.”
Further, the contract will continue agile software development services, which include software and data engineering, product management, cloud engineering, human-centered design and research, technical support, and regular reviews.
Additionally, sprint reviews will need to be provided at the completion of each two-week sprint, that will be organized and conducted with DDS personnel. A bug bounty program on SITH will also be run with a DDS-approved 3rd party vendor and address vulnerabilities discovered.