U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Bill Chase, deputy commander of Joint Force Headquarters-Department of Defense Information Network (JFHQ-DODIN) this week outlined a list of the command’s cybersecurity goals for 2023.
JFHQ-DODIN is charged with carrying out the cybersecurity mission to protect the DODIN, which is a federated environment of 46 combatant commands, services, DoD agencies, and field activities that encompasses the infrastructure of more than 15,000 unclassified, classified networked and cloud environments globally.
At an online event by Federal News Network on Jan. 31, Chase discussed the vast scope of the DODIN, and what’s needed to understand the risks posed to it.
“Harnessing all of those and understanding the risks and stitching together that story is our priority for this year,” Chase said. “In order to do that, we’re going to have to standardize some risk approaches and what we’ll call security areas,” he explained, with the end goal of improving mission success.
He said that some specific work areas include “critical infrastructure [and] operational technologies in particular.
“That’s an area we’re going to have to lean on those [private] partnerships … to understand and really to feed the mission,” the admiral said.
“This is an exciting time to be in cyber,” Chase said, adding, “there’s a whole lot of changes going on.”
“Now we’re seeing automated and weaponized vulnerabilities coming at us faster and faster,” he said. “As we try and manage through all this change, our number one goal is to ensure resiliency of DOD missions.”