The Department of Homeland Security’s Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program expects to announce the award of a new contract this week for dashboard ecosystem technology that will better integrate at both the Federal agency and DHS level security data generated through the CDM program.
That’s according to Kevin Cox, CDM Program Manager, who spoke today about the dashboard contract and other CDM program developments at an event organized by FCW.
In recent months, Cox said he hoped to have the new dashboard contract announced in May, and explained that it was necessary to address performance and scalability issues, particularly for larger Federal agencies with numerous component agencies.
He said today that the new dashboard technology may “take a few years to get everything in place,” but that the upgrade will yield important analytical benefits, including the ability to use machine-learning and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to draw greater insights from all the sensor data that CDM deployments generate.
“We really do have a treasure trove of data here,” Cox said, in the form of security and operational data created by the CDM deployments.
Cox said that attaining greater “dashboard consistency,” and continuing to help agencies fill gaps in first and second-phase CDM deployments remained the “two big things” for the CDM program for the remainder of FY2019.