The demand for cybersecurity professionals is growing, according to data published Wednesday on CyberSeek, a free online resource from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), Burning Glass, and CompTIA. According to the data, employers in both the private and public sector posted an estimated 313,735 job openings for cybersecurity workers between September 2017 and August 2018. The data also indicated that the ratio of current cybersecurity workers to the number of job openings is 2-to-3. “That means employers have fewer trained cybersecurity workers in the labor force to choose from and must look to other tactics–including retraining current workers or attracting and training new talent–to fill their needs for cybersecurity professionals,” NIST said in a blog post. In terms of what jobs are available, the data on CyberSeek found that the most in-demand positions are cybersecurity engineer, cybersecurity analyst, cybersecurity manager/administrator, cybersecurity consultant, and penetration and vulnerability tester. Washington, D.C., has the largest number of job openings with 44,058. The other top five metro areas are New York City with 20,243, Dallas with 12,062, Chicago with 11,201 and Los Angeles with 10,589.