The Department of Defense (DoD) Prototypes and Experiments office is looking for submissions ahead of a solutions meeting that the office expects to hold in late spring 2021, according to a Dec. 22 release.
DoD is holding the virtual meeting at the behest of the Air Force’s Warfighter Integration Center (AFWIC) and Research Lab (AFRL). DoD is looking for innovations that support its “just-in-time training” technologies to make warfighters able to adapt to multiple mission operation requirements.
“The meeting will provide selected innovative companies with an opportunity to make short technical presentations to government representatives about their technologies and products. There is a potential for companies to be selected for pilot projects or experimentation if their technology appears to match the needs,” the release says.
The 711th Human Performance Wing of the AFRL and the Disruptive Technologies department of the AFWIC are teaming up for this project and looking for submitted tech that hits requirements in five categories. Those categories are modeling and simulation, computing at the edge, health and human performance and remediation, telemaintenance applications, and psychometrics.
The release gives a final submission date of Jan. 21, 2021.