Former Federal Deputy CIO Margie Graves, now at MHGraves Consulting, has been elected the executive vice chair of Industry Advisory Council (IAC) Executive Committee, which is the governance body of ACT-IAC’s industry side.
The recent election results were announced in a press release today from ACT-IAC, and newly elected members will begin their tenures on July 1. Ted Davies, CEO of Altamira Technologies and current executive vice chair, will move to the chair position. Graves will move up to become IAC Chair in July 2021.
“I’m excited to work with the newly elected leaders, continuing executive committee members and the great team at ACT-IAC to move the organization forward in dramatically changing times,” Davies said. “I’d like to particularly welcome Margie Graves, as she brings her amazing knowledge and experience in both government and industry to the organization.”
Additionally, Tim Cooke of ASI Government was elected vice chair of finance and Jonathan Benett of Adobe, Ann-Marie Johnson of ArdentMC, Ellen Kuhn of Oracle, and Kelly Morrison of Grant Thornton Public Sector were all elected vice chair at large.
“We are truly fortunate to have such an outstanding group of industry leaders who are willing to devote their time and talent to the important work of education, leadership and collaboration which have been the heart and soul of ACT-IAC’s work for over 40 years,” ACT-IAC CEO Dave Wennergren said. “I’d like to welcome our new leaders and also thank our outgoing executives for their extraordinary commitment and dedication to this great organization.”