NASA has revealed the first look at the sixth version of its Solutions for Enterprise-Wide Procurements Government-Wide Acquisition Contracts (SEWP VI GWAC) IT contract.
The agency released the draft request for proposals (RFP) for SEWP VI on Sept. 8 and is looking for industry comments on all aspects of the solicitation.
“The principal purpose of this requirement is to provide the Federal government with an all-encompassing one-stop acquisition vehicle for information technology product and service solutions,” the solicitation says.
“Potential offerors are encouraged to comment on all aspects of the draft solicitation, including the requirements, schedules, proposal instructions, and evaluation approaches, any perceived safety, occupational health, security (including information technology security), environmental, export control, and/or other programmatic risk issues associated with the performance of the work,” it adds.
According to the draft RFP, the SEWP VI contract covers a broad range of IT services, including enterprise-wide network services, security technology, software and cloud technology, IT service management, and innovation services, among others.
NASA has yet to provide a ceiling price for the contract. The agency will hold an industry day on Oct. 18 at the College Park Marriott Hotel and Conference Center in Maryland to provide more information.
The current planned release date for the final RFP is February 2024, with proposals due about 60 calendar days later. NASA anticipates the contract award date will be in October 2024, with a May 1, 2025, contract effective date.
Comments on the draft RFP are due on Oct. 2.