The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) unveiled its latest President’s Management Agenda (PMA) quarterly updates today, outlining the Biden administration’s progress on its three PMA priorities focused on strengthening the Federal workforce, customer experience, and government business management.
In particular, OMB talked about recent work by the General Services Administration (GSA) and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on new websites that aim to improve customer experience.
In a blog post posted to today, OMB said the Priority Area Leads for each of those three areas and their teams have been undertaking projects to advance each priority, all while engaging stakeholders and gathering data to inform actions.
“It has been just over a year since the release of the Biden-Harris Management Agenda Vision, and we continue to make headway on our three PMA priorities,” OMB wrote. “These updates demonstrate our commitment to sharing this progress with the American public.”
The PMA updates provide accomplishments to date for each priority area, as well as future-looking milestones teams are working towards.
For the first priority – strengthening and empowering the Federal workforce – OMB said a cross-agency team of about 20 agencies has reached a number of milestones to address the challenges facing the Federal workforce.
For example, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) convened the first-ever Chief Diversity Officer Council meeting in September. OMB also issued guidance to agencies in July on agency-wide capital planning to support the future of work, including telework and remote work.
As for the second priority – delivering excellent, equitable, and secure Federal services and customer experience – OMB said agencies “made significant progress” in implementing President Biden’s customer experience executive order.
One highlight for the second priority is CMS’ newly launched website, which has new landing pages that are “visually consistent and feature streamlined navigation and improved mobile optimization.” In addition GSA has developed a roadmap for redesigned and USAgov Español websites to serve as a digital Federal “front door.”
Finally, for the third priority – managing the business of government – the OMB blog did not offer accomplishments to date, but instead talked about milestones the cross-agency teams are working towards. The teams are looking to advance the President’s vision to leverage Federal acquisition and financial assistance systems.
For instance, OMB said, “leaders in Federal acquisitions will look to increase the number of new small business entrants within priority supply chains in the Federal marketplace.” Additionally, agencies are working to adopt acquisition practices to reduce entrance barriers to the Federal marketplace, enhance performance and customer experience, and cut costs.
These efforts are just a few of the PMA milestones and accomplishments to date, and OMB encourages the public to follow along on for more information.