FCC Chairman Ajit Pai proposed Dec. 4 to create a $9 billion fund to support the deployment of 5G wireless services in rural portions of the U.S. The proposal would require approval from a majority of the full five-member commission, with a vote likely sometime in 2020. […]

The Department of Defense (DoD) is looking to gain industry feedback on how the department can prototype 5G deployments and effectively use spectrum, DoD announced in a December 2 news release. […]

5G Broadband rural broadband FCC-min

The General Services Administration (GSA) is gathering feedback that it will present to telecom service providers regarding supply chain and other security requirements for 5G wireless services that the Federal government will be acquiring, a GSA official said today at the agency’s 5G Government Symposium event. […]

Sen Mark Warner

Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said today that the threat posed by Chinese government-supported network equipment makers including Huawei to the global 5G communications ecosystem is unprecedented. One solution to displace Huawei equipment from communications networks, the senator said, may be government-industry cooperation to make cheaper communications gear available to carriers. […]

No Category Set!

To successfully defend 5G networks from cybersecurity threats, the United States needs to rethink the cybersecurity posture and approach of its cellular networks, and not just in the terms of the threat from Chinese companies in the supply chain, according to a Brookings Institution paper from Tom Wheeler, former chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), and David Simpson, former chief of the Public Safety and Homeland Security Bureau at the FCC. […]

With summer coming to a close and back-to-school season approaching, agencies will need to catch up on their assignment to get task orders in for the next generation of telecommunications contracts – Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions, or EIS. With a September 30 deadline fast approaching, did the class of Federal agencies do their homework on the contract? Current indicators show some progress, but a long way to go. […]

The Federal government is looking forward to implementing 5G wireless services as they become available, but building security into 5G services from the beginning will be key to a successful implementation, said officials from the Department of Defense (DoD), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the General Services Administration (GSA). […]

Despite a lot of press in recent months about threats that China-based communications equipment maker Huawei may pose to the developing global 5G communications ecosystem because of the company’s close ties to the Chinese government, the U.S. is continuing to lead the world in 5G technology innovation, panelists at a Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) event said on July 10. […]

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In the race to 5G dominance, the U.S. government might not have the capacity to handle the technology to lead the field, which could greatly impact information sharing, said a top intelligence official. […]

White House flag at half mast

The White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has delivered to President Trump a list of wireless spectrum research and development priorities that it says the Federal government should concentrate on in order to promote U.S. leadership in wireless communications technologies. […]

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), an agency of the United Nations, said on May 27 it established a new focus group that will look at how to optimize environmental efficiency with artificial intelligence (AI) and other emerging technologies. […]

5G wireless infrastructure technology

Federal government officials warned about the risks and challenges of rolling out 5G wireless networks – particularly in terms of the threat China poses in its global advancement of 5G – and emphasized that use of public-private partnerships in developing America’s vision for 5G networks will be critical for ensuring network security and staying internationally competitive. […]

President Trump today appeared to back away from the notion that the Federal government ought to invest in a “wholesale” 5G wireless network, and instead backed policy that commits to “efficient spectrum use and spurring private-sector investment in 5G networks.” […]

The ACCESS BROADBAND (Advancing Critical Connectivity Expands Service, Small Business Resources, Opportunities, Access, and Data Based on Assessed Need and Demand) Act, which would provide expanded broadband access to underserved and rural areas, is back in both chambers of Congress. […]

A bill introduced by three senior senators would require the White House to develop a strategy to ensure the security of 5G wireless systems and infrastructure, but would also block the executive branch from recommending that 5G or subsequent generations of mobile communications infrastructure be “nationalized” by the government – a possibility that has been floated in recent weeks by an official connected with the Trump campaign organization. […]

Rep. William Hurd, R-Texas, stressed at IBM’s Think Gov event today that America needs to lead the world in developing 5G wireless networks and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities, especially with China on the rise as a voracious international competitor, and said successful development and application of the two technologies are inextricably linked. […]

Christopher Krebs under secretary undersecretary DHS Department of Homeland Security National Protection and Programs Directorate NPPD leader CISA cybersecurity and infrastructure security agency
5G Broadband rural broadband FCC-min

President Trump in Twitter postings this morning called for the rollout of 5G wireless services in the U.S., and took it one “G” further by saying he’d also like to see deployment of “6G” technology – an idea that is still largely hypothetical. […]

Panelists at a Brookings Institution event last week agreed that it’s more important to implement artificial intelligence (AI) and other “smart cities” technologies in a secure and responsible manner, rather than merely to win the race to be the first tech adopters on the block. […]

5G wireless infrastructure technology

The Atlantic Council recommends accelerating a whole-of-government approach to developing a long-term national spectrum strategy which will include creating an inter-spectrum for 5G that will allow for Federal, state, and local policy synchronization of policies and procedures to rapidly and cost-effectively implement 5G. […]

White House

While President Trump made only an indirect mention of the importance of emerging technologies in his State of the Union speech last night, the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) was busy tying the President’s call for government investment in “cutting edge industries” to emerging technology sectors including quantum computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and 5G wireless services. […]

Rep. Bob Latta, R-Ohio, a House Energy and Commerce Committee member, said today that the House would work to bring about autonomous vehicle legislation for the new Congress to vote on, after legislation addressing self-driving vehicles stalled in the last Congress. […]

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Rep. Bob Latta, R-Ohio, ranking member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s subcommittee on Communications and Technology, delivered a wide-ranging survey of tech issues in the panel’s gunsights for this year and beyond during a keynote speech at the State of the Net 2019 conference today, and generally came down on the lighter side of the regulatory spectrum. […]
