White House

The White House has released a supplement to President Biden’s fiscal year (FY) 2022 budget that looks to increase funding for research and development (R&D) projects conducted under the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program. […]

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) believes it has enough IT funding this year to slowly start reducing its technical debt for the first time, agency leaders said today during a House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs hearing on the fiscal year 2022 (FY2022) VA IT budget. […]


The U.S. Army’s Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville and Secretary of the Army Christine Wormuth testified in front of Senate Armed Services Committee today and said the Army is due for a large-scale modernization effort, but emphasized there are still unfunded modernization requirements that were not met with the Army’s FY2022 budget request. […]

Budget Federal spending

President Biden’s FY2022 budget proposal published today envisions an eye-popping $6.01 trillion of Federal spending – up 36 percent from last year’s approved FY2021 budget – with a budget deficit of about $1.8 trillion. […]

White House

President Trump today signed a continuing budget resolution that will fund Federal government operations at Fiscal Year 2020 spending levels through Dec. 11. The President’s approval of funding legislation passed by the House Sept. 22 and the Senate Sept. 30 narrowly averted a government shutdown following the end of FY2020 yesterday. […]

White House
Budget Federal spending

As crunch time approaches in Congress on a new round of pandemic relief legislation, a group of Democratic lawmakers including leaders of the House Oversight and Reform Committee urged House leadership in a July 24 letter to include in any bill at least $1 billion of additional funding for the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF). […]

Budget Federal spending

Proposed Fiscal Year 2021 funding for the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) remains stuck at $25 million as the full House Appropriations Committee voted today to approve the FY 2021 Financial Services and General Government (FSGG) appropriations bill that covers a host of executive branch organizations including the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). […]

Federal money spending government
Veterans Affairs

The House Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies approved its Fiscal Year 2021 funding legislation for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) by voice vote today. The bill features a 12.4 percent increase in IT modernization funding for the agency. […]

After acknowledging that Democratic and Republican members of the subcommittee have different viewpoints on funding immigration-related agencies, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Homeland Security approved Fiscal Year 2021 funding legislation for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) by voice vote today. […]

The House Appropriations Committee released draft Fiscal Year 2021 funding legislation for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) today that proposes a modest 0.5 percent total funding increase for DHS, and a 10 percent budget boost for its Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) component. […]


More than 30 senators from both parties penned a letter to Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., requesting $26 billion in funding for researchers in the next COVID-19 coronavirus stimulus package. […]

White House
Federal money spending government

The House voted today to approve two bills comprising the bipartisan budget agreement announced earlier this week that would fund the Federal government for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2020 and deliver a 3.1 percent pay raise to Federal civilian employees. […]

Budget Federal spending

Alongside a Federal employee pay raise and $25 million for the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF), the bipartisan and bicameral Fiscal Year 2020 budget proposal includes IT funding boosts across agencies with an emphasis on cybersecurity. […]

Federal money spending government
Machine learning AI-min
Federal money spending government

The Senate, in a 67-28 vote today, passed a budget deal that raises Federal spending $320 billion over current levels and lifts the debt ceiling for two years, averting a shutdown. The Senate budget, which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., called “a strong deal,” is a companion to the House’s budget, which emerged from […]

Machine learning AI-min

A principal author of Senate legislation that would pump $2.2 billion of Federal funding into development of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies over the next five years said last week that investment would help a host of industry sectors including healthcare, energy, and agriculture. […]

Budget Federal spending

The House Appropriations Committee released a second of five appropriations minibus FY2020 spending bills for Commerce-Justice-Science, Agriculture-Rural Development-FDA, Interior-Environment, Military Construction-Veterans Affairs, and Transportation-Housing and Urban Development. […]

Budget Federal spending

Technology sales leaders received an in-depth look at Federal agency budget forecasts during immixGroup’s Government IT Sales Summit, held Thursday, Nov. 15 in Reston, Va., shining a light on how government IT spending will take shape in the coming year. […]

Trump President

The Trump Administration’s proposed $4.4 trillion budget for FY2019 would add some money to the cybersecurity pot, supporting ongoing programs and manpower levels, while cutting back on cybersecurity research and redistributing where the research money goes. Administration budget requests are largely political documents whose numbers won’t hold up once Congress gets done with making the sausage, but they do reflect White House priorities. […]
