Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the Identifying Outputs of Generative Adversarial Networks (IOGAN) Act (S.2904) would cost $6 million between 2020 and 2025. […]

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) found that the Cybersecurity Vulnerability Identification and Notification Act of 2020 (H.R. 5680) could slightly lower the deficit, but not by a significant amount. The bill, introduced by Rep. Jim Langevin, D-R.I. on Jan. 27, would authorize the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) to issue administrative subpoenas in rare […]

.gov website cybersecurity government
capitol washington dc senate house congress-min

According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report released Nov. 21, the Advancing Cybersecurity Diagnostics and Mitigation Act, H.R. 4237,  would cost less than $500,000 to implement over the next five years if the legislation becomes law. […]

government reopened shutdown over government open min

The post-government shutdown thaw produced its first green shoots today, as Federal employees returned to work and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., invited President Trump to deliver the State of the Union address in the House chambers on Feb. 5.  […]

Uncle Sam Federal spending Piggy bank

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) today estimated the cost of the partial Federal government shutdown–which began Dec. 22 and ended Jan. 25–at $11 billion of reduced U.S. gross domestic product (GDP), although most of that amount will be recoverable in future periods. […]
