Senate hearing Congressional-min

The Federal government’s top intelligence official sounded the alarm last week about a daunting increase in cyberattacks in the last year, with the majority targeted at U.S. entities. […]

Budget Federal spending

The Senate and House both voted Thursday afternoon to approve legislation that would provide Federal government funding at fiscal year (FY) 2023 levels through early March, and prevent a partial shutdown of government operations when current funding is set to expire at midnight on Friday. […]

Expert witnesses this week offered members of Congress a menu of recommendations – ranging from innovation-fueled security practices to better efforts to protect educational networks – to meet security threats posed by foreign adversaries to communications technologies.  […]

quantum computing QIS chip processor motherboard

The Center for Data Innovation (CDI) is urging Congress to double the funding level of a key quantum information science (QIS) law approved in 2018 as one of several necessary steps it says the U.S. needs to take to stay ahead of the world in (QIS) and maintain a lead in quantum computing. […]

Members of the House Small Business Committee heard expert testimony on Sept. 27 on a range of private sector solutions that the government could use to track down perpetrators of fraud against Small Business Administration (SBA) loan and relief programs during the coronavirus pandemic. […]

The Senate on Sept. 12 approved by voice vote the nomination of Michael Casey to become director of the National Counterintelligence and Security Center (NCSC). […]

DoD Pentagon Military

A year after the Government Accountability Office (GAO) made a call for a unified Federal government broadband strategy, that idea appeared to attract some backing at a House subcommittee hearing on May 10 that tackled possible next steps for consolidating and organizing the programs. […]

Senate hearing Congressional-min

The House Ways and Means Committee held a hearing today to deliberate over President Biden’s fiscal year (FY) 2024 budget blueprint, and it’s no surprise that the President’s numbers were met with pushback from Republican lawmakers. […]

House members made it clear this seek that America’s technology strategy going forward will have to encompass actions to counter the growth of China-based tech firms, and protect United States-based infrastructure and the domestic tech industry from Chinese government control. […]


Rep. Mark Green, R.-Tenn., who was selected yesterday to chair the House Homeland Security Committee, pledged to “secure our cyber border” as one of his top priorities for the committee for the 118th Congress. […]

The new rules package approved by the House on Monday night includes a provision that could affect the government workforce, allowing members of Congress to attempt to fire or reduce the salary of Federal employees during the appropriations process. […]

What does the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections mean for Federal IT and cybersecurity issues over the next two years? The shortest answer to that question appears to be a fairly positive outlook based on congressional temperament, interest, and necessity. […]

Reps. Mike Gallagher, R-Wis., and Andrew R. Garbarino, R-N.Y., voiced in a Nov. 2 letter to President Biden their “immense concern” that the administration has yet to release a plan for continuation of the U.S. economy following a crippling cyberattack. […]

Big Data Analytics

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2021 gave the Government Accountability Office (GAO) marching orders to complete a study of the United States cyber insurance market, and GAO’s findings reinforced a recommendation by the National Cyberspace Solarium Commission for Congress to create an agency specifically tasked with collecting better data. […]


A group of tech trade groups is telling Congress that the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) needs a larger budget next year to start putting in place long-term security improvements to meet the rising tide of sophisticated cyberattacks against government and industry. […]

capitol washington dc senate house congress-min

Technology leaders in Congress and industry groups with a stake in Federal IT both applauded the Biden administration’s move today to relax Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) payback requirements in order to quickly put $1 billion of new funding to work to shore up agency cyber defenses and upgrade critical systems. The change in traditional TMF […]

Federal money spending government

After congressional Democrats and Republicans broke a nine-month deadlock on Fiscal Year 2021 spending and further COVID-19 relief funding with their agreement on both fronts earlier this week, President Trump put the fate of the combined spending bill in doubt with suggestions to change the terms of payouts in the stimulus portion of the legislation. […]

5G wireless infrastructure technology

A new study shows that the transition to 5G wireless services will create an additional 4.6 million jobs in the United States by 2034 – and that the move to the latest generation of wireless technology has created over 100,000 jobs already since last year. […]

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has already begun work toward reopening its offices in accordance with phase one of the White House’s Opening Up America Again plan, but members of the House Committee on Homeland Security and witnesses at a June 16 hearing suggested that reopening plans should prioritize personnel health and safety. […]

The United Kingdom’s cybersecurity agency said this week it will review the role of China-based network equipment maker Huawei in UK-based 5G networks – a move that comes days after the United States announced it will further restrict Huawei’s access to the U.S. technology supply chain. […]

Rep. Tim Ryan, D-Ohio, believes that the Federal government needs to help state and local governments figure out how to bridge the digital divide as the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrates a need to expand broadband to areas that don’t have it and to provide better services. […]

House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md., is requesting a switch to remote voting amid the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic in an April 21 letter to Chairperson of the Committee on House Administration Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif., and Chairperson of the Rules Committee Rep. James McGovern, D-Mass. […]

Air Force

Air Force officials began planning for the Advanced Battle Management System about three years ago with the intent of replacing and modernizing aircrafts on the existing system by 2035. The Government Accountability Office said Thursday that the service needs to create a plan if that goal is to be reached. […]
