A top Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) official said today that the agency’s investment in customer experience (CX) is paying off, with nearly 80 percent of VA users citing that they trust the Federal agency. […]

The General Services Administration’s (GSA) Technology Transformation Services (TTS) customer experience hub is exploring a text notification system to reach participants with critical program information like application deadlines and interview reminders. […]

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The Biden-Harris administration’s customer experience (CX) efforts may finally be paying off. After four years of measurements that show declining satisfaction, citizen satisfaction with Federal government services surged by 4.6 percent in 2022, according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index’s (ACSI) Federal Government Report 2022. […]


A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) advisory board has urged the agency to leverage technology to improve customer experience (CX) – from updating security checkpoint tech at airports to publicly posting wait times for immigration applications. On Dec. 6, DHS’ Customer Experience and Service Delivery Subcommittee delivered a final report to Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas highlighting […]

OPM CIO Guy Cavallo

During the closing keynote speech at MeriTalk’s Dec. 8 “New & Next: The Government Tech Renaissance,” event in Washington, D.C., a top IT official at the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) said agencies need to take care of their employees first when it comes to implementing good customer experience (CX). […]

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By Willie Hicks, Federal Chief Technologist at Dynatrace Whether users are shopping on Amazon or another top company’s website, they expect certain website performance and features availability to ensure a positive customer experience (CX). Users expect to access product links and conduct transactions seamlessly and swiftly. They expect to navigate to comprehensive product specifications or […]


With issues ranging from safeguarding national security, improving the constituent experience, and tackling climate change, government agencies from the Federal level down to local municipalities have their proverbial plates full of initiatives that will shape our country – and the world – for generations to come. Google’s new Public Sector division will explore the technology that will advance these issues at its upcoming Government Summit, taking place on November 15, 2022, at The Anthem in Washington, D.C. […]

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Three officials from Federal agency high-impact service providers discussed new and innovative ways their agencies are reimagining customer experience (CX) by harnessing emerging tech as they drive toward the far-reaching CX improvement goals set out in President Biden’s executive order issued late last year. […]

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Four Federal government officials talked this week about how they’ve been working to implement the customer experience executive order issued by the Biden administration late last year that aims to put citizens at the center of better government service delivery. […]

MerITocracy 2021

How can technology transform the often-difficult citizen experience with government into the streamlined and intuitive interactions that the best private-sector companies offer?  On July 21 – we’re going to find out. The countdown to MerITocracy 2022: American Innovation Forum is on. In the lead-up to the in-person forum in Washington, D.C., we are table-setting a host of big issues that will get serious attention at MerITocracy 2022. […]

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MerITocracy 2021

Can technology innovation pave the way for better citizen service? On July 21 – we’re going to find out. The countdown to MerITocracy 2022: American Innovation Forum is on. The in-person forum – taking place at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, D.C., from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. – will host bipartisan leaders from Congress, the Biden administration, and America’s tech industry to examine the most pressing problems facing citizens in our democracy, and map out creative solutions from the nexus of policy and technology. We invite you to register for MerITocracy today. […]

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The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has updated its Medicare.gov website, creating an optimized customer experience (CX) and making it easier for millions of Americans to find providers and health and drug coverage plans. […]

MerITocracy 2021

Can technology innovation – coupled with the boldest kind of leadership – work together to start fixing the most intractable problems facing America? On July 21 – we’re going to find out. The countdown to MerITocracy 2022: American Innovation Forum is on. In the lead-up to the event, we are table-setting a host of big […]

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With customer experience (CX) being not only a priority in President Biden’s Presidential Management Agenda vision but also the subject of its own executive order, Federal agency and industry officials said a focus on human-centered design and personnel is vital when using technology to make citizen services more consistent and accessible. […]

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President Biden released an executive order (EO) today with requirements for 17 different Federal agencies to make customer experience (CX) improvements across 36 areas. The order as a whole broadly focuses on ways Federal government agencies can create more seamless interactions with the public, Federal officials said on a press call explaining the White House directive. […]

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President Biden today issued an executive order that broadly supports new efforts by the government to improve the quality of citizen interactions with the government, and requires17 Federal agencies to make customer experience (CX) improvements in 36 areas ranging from accessing retirement benefits to renewing travel passports. […]

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Federal CIO Clare Martorana urged government technology leaders this week to take a page from the “Undercover Boss” television program and discover first-hand the experiences and viewpoints of their customers in order to better understand where government needs to make improvements in how citizens best interact with government services. […]

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Federal CIO Clare Martorana today previewed the goals of ongoing efforts and forthcoming direction from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on improving customer/citizen experience (CX) with the Federal government, and set the bar high for expectations for service improvements that will follow. […]

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In its annual update to Circular A-11, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) made significant changes to section 280, which focuses on customer experience (CX) and service delivery.

The new changes provide a new expanded definition for customer experience – one that includes equity and designates CX as a priority instead of a nice-to-have. […]

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Ensuring customers are happy is important, but Federal customer experience (CX) experts believe ensuring employees are happy is equally important. Federal experts say the same human-centered design framework can be applied to both CX and employee experience (EX) to give agencies a competitive advantage. […]

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The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has released a “Customer Experience (CX) Cookbook” for Federal agencies that features key ingredients and recipes for embedding CX in Federal services and for cooking up CX best practices. […]

As the continuing coronavirus pandemic puts a spotlight on the need for mission continuity, Federal agencies need to understand their customers’ journeys and smooth the path for them, Deputy Federal CIO Maria Roat said today. […]

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Satisfaction with Federal government agencies is at an all-time high, but the average customer experience (CX) rating across government still sits below the private sector, and digital experiences are seen as a weak point, according to Forrester’s Federal Customer Experience Index for 2020. […]

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