deep fakes, AI
deep fakes, AI

A bipartisan group of House members has introduced legislation that aims to protect Americans from AI generated content – such as deepfakes – during the 2024 election cycle by setting standards, like watermarking, for identifying AI content. […]

deep fakes, AI
deep fakes, AI

House lawmakers and industry experts joined together in Los Angeles, Calif., on Feb. 2 to discuss artificial intelligence (AI) and intellectual property, showcasing wide support for the recently introduced No Artificial Intelligence Fake Replicas and Unauthorized Duplications (AI FRAUD) Act. […]

deep fakes, AI
Sen. Mark Warner

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va., said today that Congress should focus AI legislation efforts on confidence in U.S. elections, warning that AI can make the 2016 elections look like “child’s play” compared to what’s in store for 2024. […]

No Category Set!

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report on deepfakes, a technology which uses artificial intelligence (AI) and can depict someone appearing to say or do something they never did. […]
