Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The House voted on March 3 to approve a bill requiring the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and the Department of Defense (DoD) to take steps to prevent cybersecurity vulnerabilities posed by Federal contractors. […]

Achieve Zero Vulnerability With Proven Appliance-Based Security

The House of Representatives officially launched its bipartisan Task Force on Artificial Intelligence (AI) today to help move along legislative proposals to regulate the evolving technology. […]

Rep. Andrew Garbarino, R-N.Y., was named this week as new chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee’s subcommittee on Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection – giving him the reins of one of the prime House panels for moving cybersecurity-related legislation. […]

electric grid

Rep. Mark Green, R.-Tenn., who was selected yesterday to chair the House Homeland Security Committee, pledged to “secure our cyber border” as one of his top priorities for the committee for the 118th Congress. […]

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The House voted late on Jan. 9 to approve the Family and Small Business Taxpayer Protection Act, a bill that would rescind legislation approved last year providing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) with $80 billion of funding over ten years to rebuild its workforce and replace legacy IT systems. […]

The House today voted to approve the Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which green-lights $847 billion of spending for defense-related purposes, and includes numerous technology and cybersecurity provisions. […]

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The House of Representatives is in the market for a new chief information security officer (CISO) to lead the legislative chamber’s cybersecurity efforts on behalf of its 10,000 members, staff, and officers. […]

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AI Quantum Computing
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The Office of the Chief Administrator in the House of Representatives is launching a House Digital Service team comprised of technology experts that will help improve members’ access to innovative technology tools, according to Chief Administrative Officer Catherine Szpindor. […]

The House of Representatives will vote Dec. 9 on a one-week extension of the continuing budget resolution (CR) which is set to run out on Dec. 11 – avoiding an imminent Federal government shutdown for a lack of funding.  […]

Gerry Connolly
electric grid

The House of Representative this week voted to approve a collection of bills that aim to improve cybersecurity in the energy sector, inform the use of emerging technologies, and establish R&D plans. […]


Four Republican members of the House of Representatives praised the news, originally reported by Reuters on July 22, that France will phase out the China-based company Huawei out of its 5G networks by 2028. […]

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has already begun work toward reopening its offices in accordance with phase one of the White House’s Opening Up America Again plan, but members of the House Committee on Homeland Security and witnesses at a June 16 hearing suggested that reopening plans should prioritize personnel health and safety. […]

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In a Dear Colleague letter to House members, Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., told members that the House is taking additional action to limit physical presence in the Capitol by formalizing electronic submissions for floor documents. “Beginning [today], staff must electronically submit all Floor documents – including bills, resolutions, co-sponsors and extensions of remarks – to […]

Budget Federal spending

A House version of COVID-19 relief legislation being prepared as an alternative to the separate relief/stimulus bill being considered by the Senate on March 24 features a stunning proposed increase in funding for the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) that serves as a repayable source of capital for Federal agency IT modernization projects. […]

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The House voted late on March 4 to approve the Coronavirus Preparedness and Response Supplemental Appropriations Act (HR 6074) that would make $8.3 billion of new funding available for a “robust response” to the COVID-19 coronavirus, including vaccine and treatment development, support for state and local health agencies, and loans for small businesses impacted by the virus. […]


The House version of the National Defense Authorization Act (HR 2500) includes a provision to establish new acquisition pathways for software applications and software upgrades, as well as develop a program for acquisition training and management. […]

Congress Capitol Senate House

House Democratic leadership plans to schedule a vote by the full House sometime in the next few weeks on H.R. 1644 the Save the Internet Act, which would roll back network neutrality rules to their 2015 level.  […]
