Despite political and technical hurdles, Congress is warming up to the idea of digital identity technologies, Rep. Bill Foster, D-Ill., said on March 5 as he shared his long-held vision for the future of identity verification. […]
By Jeffrey Huth, Senior Vice President of TransUnion’s Public Sector business Three senators last month introduced bipartisan legislation intended to create a better customer experience for people trying to access government services. Specifically, the Improving Government Services Act will require agencies to develop plans within a year of enactment to reduce wait times and improve digital services. […]
A new report from the United States Postal Service (USPS) Office of Inspector General (OIG) is calling on the agency to improve its online identity verification controls after finding the number of fraudulent change of addresses (COAs) has increased by 167 percent. […]
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is seeking other means to identify airline passengers when they cannot provide acceptable identity documentation. […]