Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

New research from Lookout finds that mobile threats affecting Federal, state, and local governments are on the rise. Lookout, a provider of endpoint-to-cloud security, said that mobile phishing and device vulnerability risks within government agencies has increased since 2021. […]

As every serious runner knows, preparing for a big race can be a daunting task; it takes time, patience, and determination to succeed.  Once the training schedule begins, the runner must be diligent with sticking to the task.  By neglecting even one workout, the runner can risk losing progress, and not finish the race. […]

MeriTalk recently spoke with Bob Stevens, vice president of Federal systems for Lookout, about the unique mobile security risks facing the Federal government, where agencies are making progress, where they need to improve, and what they can do to get started. Lookout takes a mobile-first approach to security, creating mobile-first, cloud-first products for IT administrators, CISOs, and individuals. […]

The recent DHS mobile device study warns that Federal government mobile devices could become an avenue to attack back-end computer systems containing the data of millions of Americans and sensitive information related to Federal government functions. However, despite the various threats and vulnerabilities targeting the mobile ecosystem, Lookout’s recent white paper found many mobile users are vulnerable to a number of known threats and smartphone applications have access to capabilities that could violate corporate policies or pose significant compliance risks. […]
