Public sector organization can’t bet on luck when it comes to the cloud, but smart helps – specifically OMB’s Cloud Smart policy, according to MeriTalk’s newly released “Smart > Lucky: Pillars to Fed and SLED Cloud Success” report. […]

Microsoft HQ

Sue Gordon, who stepped down last year as principal deputy director for National Intelligence, has reached a consulting arrangement with Microsoft. […]

Rep. Jim Langevin, D-R.I., co-chair of the Congressional Cybersecurity Caucus, applauded the Federal government’s handling earlier this week of public disclosure by the intelligence community of serious vulnerabilities it found in Microsoft’s Windows 10 and Service 2016 products, for which the company released patches. […]

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) that took effect earlier this week will not only erect a higher data privacy bar for citizens of the state, but also may put an important policy stake in the ground for Federal lawmakers who are weighing nationwide data privacy legislation. […]

DoD Pentagon Military

Amazon Web Services plans to protest the Department of Defense’s (DoD’s) decision to award the contract for its Joint Enterprise Defense Initiative (JEDI) cloud program to Microsoft, according to a statement from a company spokesperson. […]


The Pentagon’s award late last week of its ten-year Joint Enterprise Defense Initiative (JEDI) contract for general purpose cloud computing to Microsoft took center stage on Capitol Hill today at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing to consider the nomination of Dana Deasy as the Defense Department’s (DoD) CIO. […]


The Department of Defense has awarded its 10-year, $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Initiative (JEDI) contract for general purpose cloud computing to Microsoft, setting the stage for the department’s cloud strategy to take effect. […]

The CyberPeace Institute, an independent non-governmental organization (NGO), launched Sept. 26 with the mission to “assist vulnerable communities, promote transparency, and advance global discussions on acceptable behavior in cyberspace.” […]

voting booth, election security

Microsoft announced Sept. 20 that it is extending free security support for Federally certified voting systems running Windows 7 through the 2020 election. Microsoft had previously announced it was ceasing to support Windows 7. […]

Russia hacking hack cyber-min

An August 5 alert issued by Microsoft’s Security Response Center is blowing the whistle on hacking efforts focused on three classes of internet of things (IoT) devices that Microsoft asserts are being attacked by the hacking group it identifies as “Strontium,” better known as the Russia-based cyber espionage group Fancy Bear. […]

Microsoft HQ
Shakespeare -min

Microsoft is getting into the SparkNotes game with its latest project. In an April 23 blog post, Microsoft explained that it is using AI to help decode 19 plays from William Shakespeare in an attempt “to shine a new light on some of the greatest pieces of literature, as well as make them more accessible to people who worry the plays are too complex to easily understand.” […]

Federal Cloud Flag
email security DMARC
Cloud computing

The Department of Defense has narrowed the competition for its $10 billion, Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract to a choice between Amazon Web Services and Microsoft, according to a DoD spokesperson. […]

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World globe trade

The Cybersecurity Tech Accord announced yesterday that it has added 11 new companies to its pledge, bringing its total to 90 signatories. AnchorFree, Domain Tools, Flowmon Networks, MarkMonitor, NTT, Paladion,, Silent Breach, Tanium, Telecom Italia, and Unisys all signed on and pledged to “defend customers everywhere from malicious attacks by cybercriminal enterprises and nation-states.” […]

On Tuesday, Microsoft announced that the mobile version of its Microsoft Outlook platform would be available to all Federal customers after updates to its platform met high-level compliance standards with the Department of Defense (DoD). […]

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Industry partners would like more clarity and more Federal support of artificial intelligence (AI) as part of the upcoming update to the 2016 National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan. This request came in the recently released responses to the request for information for the update. […]

Federal Cloud Flag

Federal officials are looking at 2019 as the year of the hybrid cloud, as agencies shift from the Cloud First policy of moving pell-mell into as-a-service models to the Cloud Smart policy, which focuses more on making cloud work with legacy systems and serving agency missions. […]

Microsoft HQ
World globe trade

The Paris Call for Trust and Security in Cyberspace–a global cyber pact introduced last month at the Paris Peace Forum by French President Emmanuel Macron–now has more than 420 signatories, including countries, companies, and non-profit organizations and advocacy groups. […]

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With a new session of Congress–and a power shift in the House–looming in January, big tech companies are looking toward 2019 and possible new privacy legislation that will alter the shape of their business models. […]

Microsoft HQ

Brad Smith, Microsoft’s president and chief legal officer, pledged in a blog post late last week that the company will “proactively” engage with the Federal government to “advocate for policies and laws that will ensure that AI [artificial intelligence] and other new technologies are used responsibly and ethically.” […]

Yesterday two academics proposed creating an international organization modeled after the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), that would “provide assistance and relief to vulnerable citizens and enterprises affected by serious cyberattacks.” […]

BSA The Software Alliance

Akamai, a content delivery network and cloud service provider, and Slack, a provider of cloud-based collaboration tools and services, have joined BSA | The Software Alliance as new global policy members. […]
