White House

Nearly one year after the White House Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) issued its National Cyber Workforce and Education Strategy (NCWES), the office released a report today outlining the progress to date and the next steps in building the nation’s cyber workforce. […]

The White House Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) announced today that it is building a pilot reciprocity framework to be used in a critical infrastructure subsector which will give ONCD “valuable insights” into how to best design a harmonized cybersecurity regulatory approach. […]

Federal Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and Deputy National Cyber Director (NCD) Chris DeRusha is leaving his post after nearly three and a half years, two White House spokespeople confirmed to MeriTalk. […]

The White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) released a report today showing the United States’ cybersecurity posture has improved over the last year, driven by progress on the administration’s March 2023 National Cybersecurity Strategy (NCS). […]

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced at a White House event today that the agency is launching a project to overhaul the Federal government’s hiring process for the IT management job series – transitioning to a fully skills-based approach by the summer of 2025.  […]

Deputy National Cyber Director (NCD) for Technology and Ecosystem Security Camille Stewart Gloster will be departing her White House post on Tuesday, an NCD spokesperson confirmed to MeriTalk today. […]

Jen Easterly, CISA at Billington Cybersecurity Summit

Two of the Federal government’s top cybersecurity officials praised a new White House report this week that offers four recommendations to fortify the resilience of the nation’s critical infrastructure – including establishing performance goals and ramping up funding for agencies that oversee the sectors. […]


The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has announced three initial key actions to help secure the open source ecosystem upon the conclusion of its two-day Open Source Software (OSS) Security Summit this week. […]

The Biden-Harris administration’s National Cybersecurity Strategy turned one year old on March 2, and the White House’s cyber lead touted that his office has been “working tirelessly” to coordinate implementation of the sweeping policy document. […]

The White House Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) released a report today calling on the technical community to proactively reduce the attack surface in cyberspace by adopting memory safe programming languages and developing better cyber diagnostics. […]

White House

During his first public address in Washington, D.C., today, the White House’s newly confirmed National Cyber Director (NCD) Harry Coker keyed on several initiatives ONCD has in the works to further implement President Biden’s National Cybersecurity Strategy (NCS). […]

White House

The White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) must establish performance measures and implementation costs for the administration’s recent National Cybersecurity Strategy (NCS) in order for the strategy to be effective across all Federal agencies, a new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report argues. […]

The White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) published its 2023 End of Year Report on the Open-Source Software Security Initiative (OS3I) this week, highlighting four key areas the group made progress in over the last year. […]

White House flag at half mast

Former Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee (HSGAC) senior staffer Jeff Rothblum has landed a new cyber leadership position at the White House. […]

In his first public event since swearing in as national cyber director (NCD) late last year, Harry Coker this week announced several initiatives to “aggressively” fill vacant cyber positions within the Federal government, including conducting a series of cyber hiring sprints. […]

White House
White House flag at half mast

Drenan Dudley, the deputy national cyber director (NCD) for strategy and budget, has been chosen to lead the White House’s Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD) in an acting capacity upon the departure of Acting NCD Kemba Walden today.   […]

As the deadline for public input on the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s (NIST) quantum standardization efforts approaches on Nov. 22, a NIST official said during the Nov. 15 Red Hat Government Symposium 2023 event in Washington, D.C. that the public can expect to see the finalized version of the guidelines in the first part of 2024. […]

Days before Acting National Cyber Director (NCD) Kemba Walden is slated to resign from her post at the White House, the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee favorably reported Biden’s nomination, Harry Coker, to the full Senate today on a vote of 9-6. […]

White House flag at half mast
Kemba Walden, Principal Deputy National Cyber Director, Office of the National Cyber Director

Harry Coker – President Biden’s pick to serve as the nation’s second-ever permanent National Cyber Director (NCD) – sailed through his first Senate nomination hearing today with little to no opposition from lawmakers. Coker pledged that the workforce would be his top priority if confirmed to the chief cyber position. […]

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) is leading an effort to update the National Cyber Incident Response Plan (NCIRP) by the end of 2024, as directed in the Biden administration’s National Cybersecurity Strategy released earlier this year. CISA, in close coordination with the Office of the National Cyber Director (ONCD), is embarking on a […]

electric grid
White House flag at half mast

Sens. John Hickenlooper, D-Colo., and Thom Tillis, R-N.C., sent a letter to Acting National Cyber Director Kemba Walden last week, encouraging the White House to provide updates on efforts to reduce artificial intelligence’s potential threat to the nation’s cyber infrastructure. […]

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