quantum computing
quantum computer processor chip intel computing hardware

Defense officials hinted at positive developments by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) with quantum information science work at a Senate hearing today, and told senators that the agency is kicking off its Innovation Steering Group under Defense Department (DoD) Secretary Kathleen Hicks to improve adoption of new technologies for DoD agencies.  […]

quantum computing QIS chip processor motherboard
quantum computer processor chip intel computing hardware

Federal government officials involved in the development of quantum information science (QIS) agreed this week that quantum encryption standards currently being worked on by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are needed to set some “rules of the road” for further development of the technology. […]

quantum computing AI min

While the science underlying the still-nascent field of quantum information science (QIS) is well established, timelines for other key milestones in the development of QIS remain big question marks – with none bigger than the development of a QIS tech workforce that can meet increased demand for the technology in the coming years. […]

White House
quantum computer processor chip intel computing hardware

The Department of Energy (DOE) on July 24 announced America’s Blueprint for the Quantum Internet to further quantum research in the Federal space with private sector collaboration. In February 2020, DOE’s Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research hosted the Quantum Internet Blueprint Workshop where representatives from DOE National Labs, universities, industry, and other U.S. agencies […]

White House
quantum computer processor chip intel computing hardware

A new bill introduced by Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Va., would task the Department of Commerce with conducting a quantum computing study to outline economic benefits of the technology, and identify and mitigate supply chain risks. […]

senate floor congress capitol-min

A bill introduced in the Senate this week aims to steer tens of billions of new funding toward civilian Federal government research and development efforts involving “industries of the future” including artificial intelligence (AI) and quantum information science (QIS). […]

The Department of Energy’s (DoE) Office of Science announced its plan to invest up to $625 million in establishing National Quantum Information Science Research Centers in accordance with the National Quantum Initiative Act, according to a Jan. 10 funding opportunity announcement. […]


The National Science Foundation (NSF) has appointed Dr. Margaret Martonosi to lead the agency’s Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE). […]

quantum computing chip ai -min

The National Science and Technology Council’s (NSTC) Subcommittee on Quantum Information Science (SCQIS) is seeking information on recommendations related to key policy areas in quantum information science (QIS). […]

Representatives from different Federal agencies at ACT-IAC’s Emerging Technology Forum today said that they are leveraging artificial intelligence (AI), robotic process automation (RPA), quantum computing, blockchain, and other emerging technologies to make strides in their work. […]

quantum computing chip ai -min

The White House’s National Quantum Coordination Office is taking a 20-year view of the ongoing effort by the Federal government to create encryption technologies that will not be defeated by quantum computing technologies once quantum tech goes mainstream. […]

quantum computing

The National Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) proposed FY2020 budget features $492 million for artificial intelligence (AI) and $106 million for quantum information science (QIS) research and development (R&S) funding, despite the White House’s proposed cuts to overall NSF R&D. […]

White House

While President Trump made only an indirect mention of the importance of emerging technologies in his State of the Union speech last night, the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) was busy tying the President’s call for government investment in “cutting edge industries” to emerging technology sectors including quantum computing, artificial intelligence (AI), and 5G wireless services. […]

Pentagon Military Defense DoD
