Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) “Shields Up” cybersecurity campaign launched in February to warn critical infrastructure operators and other U.S.-based organizations of cybersecurity threats spilling over from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is proving its worth over the first four months of operation. […]

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues through its second month with no let-up in sight, Federal cybersecurity and law enforcement officials are warning that they still see indications of potential Russian cyberattacks on United States critical infrastructure, and are reiterating their “Shields Up” warning to meet those potential threats. […]


The late-day warning on Monday from President Biden and White House national security officials that the Russian government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks against U.S. critical infrastructure targets appeared to turn many heads in the Federal cybersecurity community that is by now long-used to receiving and generating cybersecurity advisories. […]
