Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Several Federal IT industry stalwarts offered praise today for the important role that FITARA (the Federal Information Technology Acquisition Reform Act) has played in pushing Federal agencies toward greater IT modernization, and for the opportunities for further progress that the House Oversight and Reform Committee’s FITARA Scorecard helps to clarify for Federal CIOs. […]

It’s been a long road, winding through swaths of government data, unstructured and unrefined, toward a new vision of public service where government anticipates the needs of its citizenry. There’s been a lot of downtime and detours in between for technology and mission to catch up with that vision. […]

Data center migration-min (1)

MeriTalk recently connected with Tony Franzonello, Vice President of Federal Sales at Alfresco, on the hurdles his Federal agency partners have faced with the move to the cloud, and what they can do to make sure their migration paths are most successful going forward. […]
