Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

House Democrats on Thursday intensified their opposition to recent forays into Federal agency tech systems by the Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) by introducing a new bill aimed at preventing DOGE and its leader Elon Musk from accessing confidential Treasury Department systems and data. […]

A new report from the Treasury Department on how the financial services sector is approaching managing AI-driven cybersecurity risks reveals challenges familiar to many sectors – think workforce, data quality, and funding. But one that stands out from the rest gets down to the very basic level of understanding those risks: reaching broad agreement on what artificial intelligence means, and adopting common terms that will allow for greater understanding of the technology. […]


The Department of the Treasury is seeking public input on carrying out its mandate in the White House’s executive order (EO) to ensure the responsible development of digital assets, including cryptocurrencies. […]

cyber insurance

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) is pressing the departments of Treasury and Homeland Security (DHS) to assess whether a further Federal response is needed to address the government’s existing terrorism risk insurance program, which may not cover losses from cyber and other attacks on U.S. critical infrastructure. […]

The Department of the Treasury said it approved about $631 million of funding to four states from the Coronavirus Capital Projects Fund (CPF), which will provide money for affordable broadband infrastructure and other digital connectivity technology projects. […]


Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Commissioner Charles Rettig told Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H., in late December that the IRS needs more money and changes to the tax code to better prevent and prosecute criminal uses of cryptocurrency, which has emerged in recent years as a favored medium of exchange involving ransomware and other cyber attacks. […]

The Department of Treasury and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) have made progress in validating data received from Federal agencies, but both of the agencies need to improve how that data is reported online, according to the Government Accountability Office. […]

In September, the Department of the Treasury took a series of actions to combat ransomware, including sanctioning a virtual currency exchange for facilitating financial transactions for ransomware actors. Treasury’s actions follow a Transportation Security Administration (TSA) security directive requiring owners and operators of TSA-designated critical pipelines to protect against ransomware attacks, and discussions between President Biden and Russian President Vladimir Putin about ransomware attacks from Russian soil. […]

The Department of Treasury’s Internal Revenue Service (IRS) plans on using its Pilot IRS program to release a multiple solution challenge to help digitize paper files. The agency will award multiple $7.5 million contracts based on which contractors offer the best solutions, according to a draft request for information (RFI) posted to […]

Blockchain link
Federal money spending government

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) identified in a new report 168 new actions that Congress and Federal agencies could to take to improve efficiency and effectiveness across the Federal government, including two new recommendations involving information technology. […]


Treasury Department contact centers are spending 80,000 hours each year on calls that should not have required human interaction, according to Management and Program Analyst Jennifer Hill, but now the agency is using employee and citizen feedback to find emerging tech that can fix that. […]


The Fiscal Year 2019 audit of the Treasury Department found enough control issues with the department’s government-wide cash management and Federal debt IT systems to warrant a management report on the deficiencies from Treasury’s inspector general and auditor KPMG. […]


The Treasury Department Office of the Inspector General (OIG) reported that the agency’s cyber threat indicators in Calendar Year (CY) 2017 and CY2018 were “adequate and aligned with the provisions of CISA [the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015]” in an audit released on Dec. 10. […]

Federal IT officials from a diverse range of agencies said on Oct. 29 they are taking initial steps to employ robotic process automation (RPA) and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to streamline workflows, and expressed optimism that the technologies will make a big difference in agency efficiency over the next few years. […]


The Treasury Department received mixed results on its fiscal year 2019 FISMA audit, with few weak spots identified but still falling below the level of effective, according to the audit released October 25 by the department’s inspector general. […]

data sharing

Deputy Assistant Secretary for the Office of the Fiscal Assistant Secretary at the U.S. Department of Treasury Amy B. Edwards highlighted today how her department went about simplifying the process for which customers can see how funds are spent. […]

A majority of surveyed agencies who used shared services to comply with the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA Act) experienced challenges, which affected the timeliness and accuracy of their submissions, according to a Government Accountability Office (GAO) report released July 18. […]
