Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The late-day warning on Monday from President Biden and White House national security officials that the Russian government is exploring options for potential cyberattacks against U.S. critical infrastructure targets appeared to turn many heads in the Federal cybersecurity community that is by now long-used to receiving and generating cybersecurity advisories. […]


Threat detection and response services provider Trustwave has launched its Trustwave Fusion platform on Amazon Web Services GovCloud – letting Federal agencies and government contractors take advantage of the cloud-native cybersecurity platform to combat ever-changing security threats. […]


Officials with several leading Federal IT service providers applauded government agency grades on last week’s FITARA Scorecard, but also suggested a range of grading category adjustments for the scorecard to better track where agency performance should be going in the future. […]


In the modern era of IT security, few have seen as much – and done more to make it secure – than Bill Rucker, president of Trustwave Government Solutions. In the midst of a 20-year stretch in the public sector market that began with Intellitactics prior to its acquisition by Trustwave, Rucker leads the company’s effort to help government fight cybercrime, protect data, and reduce security risk. […]

Cybersecurity cyber

A plethora of still-developing advanced technologies – plus new systemic approaches that recognize the growing dominance of cloud and managed services – will be key drivers of security improvements for Federal agencies several years from now as they continue to implement the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) program. […]

A sampling of many of the most important private-sector players supplying technology and services through the Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation (CDM) Program reveals optimism about the pace of Federal agency implementation of the program. […]

The internet has never been an especially safe place, but at least one small corner of it–email–was less perilous for most users in 2017. […]

Reports surfaced five years ago that the Kremlin had started buying typewriters to avoid computer leaks. Suffice to say, it’s a complicated cyber world out there today–from nation states to cyber criminals to organized crime to 400lbs guys in their bedrooms in New Jersey. And, in this dynamic environment, the only thing we know for sure is that the way we’ve done things before won’t protect us anymore. Trustwave Government Solutions is debuting its new Threat Hunting service for forward-leaning government agencies that are tired of having their cyber clocks cleaned. […]

Password manager company, Dashlane, has added a twist with its list of the “Worst Password Offenders” of 2017, naming high-profile people and organizations that fell into the bad-password trap. President Trump was deemed the worst offender, primarily because of simple passwords reportedly used by cabinet members and policy directors. Outside parties were also the culprits for the Department of Defense, specifically for its contractor, Booz Allen, as well as the Republican Party (stemming from a careless data analytics firm). Paul Manafort, for using “Bond007” as a password, and Sean Spicer, for apparently tweeting his passwords, also came in for scorn. […]
