The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) officially launched a Special Salary Rate (SSR) in July to increase the basic bay for thousands of its IT and cybersecurity employees; however, this pay raise is set to expire in 2027, under the VA’s PACT Act authority. […]

VA, Veterans Affairs
EHR, electronic health record

The Department of Defense (DoD) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced they are working together to improve IT system interoperability at the Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center near Chicago – the only fully-integrated VA and DoD healthcare system. […]

Federal agency officials made it clear that the concept of “health IT alignment” is their number one priority in the IT sphere during a July 25 webinar organized by Federal News Network. titled Federal Executive Forum Healthcare IT in Government hosted by Federal News Network on July 25. Ryan Dempsey Argentieri, deputy director of the […]

Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee Chairman Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Ranking Member Jerry Moran, R-Kan., introduced legislation last week that would establish a review board for major Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) acquisitions. […]

VA Chief Acquisition Officer Michael Parrish
Veterans Affairs
VA, Veterans Affairs

The Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs held a hearing on Wednesday afternoon to consider two bills that aim to improve the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) troubled Electronic Health Records Modernization (EHRM) program contract with Oracle Cerner. […]

VA, Veterans Affairs
military healthcare, veterans healthcare

Leaders at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) are using technology to meet their mission outcomes of bettering healthcare across the nation for those who served in the military, as well as leveraging tools to help clinicians provide the best care possible for veterans. […]

VA, Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) hosted a DigitalVA Expo today in Palo Alto, California, where VA leaders shared some of the technology experiences the agency has been working on to improve care for veterans, as well as the transformation that needs to happen at the VA to continue to build excellence in technical solutions. […]

New & Next: Put Data to Work for Mission Success

Data is growing exponentially. Data is also everywhere – edge, core, and cloud. Most importantly, effective data capture, security, management, and analysis are critical to agency missions. Federal agencies must be able to keep pace with growing data volumes and leverage emerging technologies to create data-driven insights that support mission objectives. […]

Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has announced the establishment of a new team that aims to advance equity in benefits to all veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors – regardless of their age, race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, or sexual identity. […]

VA, Veterans Affairs

MeriTalk recently sat down with Kurt DelBene, chief information officer (CIO) and assistant secretary for information technology at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to talk all things zero trust, Special Salary Rate (SSR), and his time so far as the agency’s CIO. […]

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is running into delays as it works to replace its aging financial management system, but despite these setbacks, lawmakers remain optimistic that the VA’s Financial Management Business Transformation (FMBT) program will succeed. […]

VA, Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is ramping up its hiring and technology capabilities to meet the challenges of backlogged benefits claims, a VA official told the House Veterans’ Affairs Modernization subcommittee at a June 6 hearing. […]

A senior Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) customer experience (CX) official said last week that the value of taking a deliberate approach in the process for generating CX improvements can generate better understanding of the problems trying to be solved, and ultimately the way that the agency may go about making improvements. […]

Tanya Bradsher, the Biden administration’s nominee to become deputy secretary at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), told senators at a confirmation hearing on May 31 that her top priority at the agency – if her nomination is confirmed – would be to help fix the troubled rollout of the agency’s Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) program. […]

VA, Veterans Affairs
EHR, electronic health record

A new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) finds that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has not established goals to assess user satisfaction of its Electronic Health Records Modernization (EHRM) program. […]


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) sent out a new contract opportunity notice on May 11 seeking private sector interest in a five-year contract to support the agency’s VA Cybersecurity Operations Center (VA CSOC). […]

VA Chief Acquisition Officer Michael Parrish

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is implementing a “trust but verify” approach to all of its IT acquisitions to ensure its cybersecurity components are fully compliant with President Biden’s cybersecurity executive order (EO), according to VA Chief Acquisition Officer Michael Parrish. […]


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced it has reached an agreement on a modified contract for its Electronic Health Records Modernization (EHRM) program with Oracle Cerner, and said that the latest agreement takes a tougher stance to hold Oracle Cerner accountable for technical fixes to the program whose rollout has been beset with difficulties. […]
