VA, Veterans Affairs

Rep. Matt Rosendale, R-Mont., has been named chairman of the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Technology Modernization – a subcommittee that oversees big-ticket tech issues such as the agency’s Electronic Health Record Modernization (EHRM) program – and is wasting little time in targeting the program. […]

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is harnessing new technology that accelerates the time it takes clinicians to screen and diagnose veterans’ health problems, agency officials said on Jan. 18 at the AFCEA Bethesda Health IT Summit. […]


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Technology Acquisition Center (TAC) unveiled its first draft for a $60.7 billion IT contract vehicle, according to the draft request for proposal (RFP) posted by the agency on Jan. 13. […]

VA, Veterans Affairs
VA, Veterans Affairs

President Biden signed into law on Dec. 27 the Strengthening VA Cybersecurity Act of 2022, which requires the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to obtain an independent cybersecurity assessment of its most critical information systems, as well as its cyber posture as a whole. […]

VA, Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has had a busy year – ranging from the troubled rollout of the agency’s Electronic Health Records Modernization (EHRM) program to the need for a new supply chain management system. As the year comes to an end, MeriTalk is taking a look back at the VA’s 2022 and highlighting the agency’s highs and lows. […]


In IT, as in life, the greatest risks and opportunities are in the shadows. Bipartisan legislation is quietly on its way to President Biden’s desk that could reduce cybersecurity risk at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and create the opportunity for Congress to tackle a growing government-wide problem: the proliferation of IT devices and systems being used without proper approval, commonly known as Shadow IT […]

Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is utilizing capabilities from Splunk to see “into the future” in an attempt to answer questions such as whether or not the agency will hit telehealth capacity, a VA official explained today. […]

VA, Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) said today that it is transitioning away from its supply chain management system – the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) – and is in the market for a new solution contract. […]

As Silicon Valley companies continue to lay off thousands of tech workers, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is actively recruiting many of those facing layoffs – and may soon be able to pay them a salary more comparable to private sector levels. […]

Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Information and Technology (OIT) has recently promoted Joseph Stevenson as its new data enterprise architect within the Enterprise Cloud Solutions Office (ECSO), according to his LinkedIn profile. […]


The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has admitted – through a recent settlement agreement – to wrongfully disclosing for a brief period of time the COVID-19 vaccination data of over 500,000 VA employees in October 2021 without the employees’ permission. […]

A new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO) finds that the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) spent the majority of its $36.7 billion in COVID-19 relief funding to address three key areas – with digital services and IT efforts being two of them. […]

Veterans Affairs

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has appointed Devon Beard as its new director of operations for End User Operations within the Office of Information and Technology (OIT). […]

Jesus Caban, Chief, Clinical and Research Informatics, Walter Reed National Military Medical Center; Amanda Purnell, Director of Data and Analytics Innovation, Department of Veterans Affairs

As the use of AI becomes more widespread, officials from the Department of Defense (DoD) and Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) envision the technology being used to deliver better, innovative medical care to military forces and veterans. […]

healthcare cyber-min

The Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) technology education pilot program for veterans needs to create better outcome measures to evaluate how well the program is working, along with a plan for improvement, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO). […]


The Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Electronic Health Records Modernization (EHRM) program may soon have another Federal agency coming on board, an agency official said this week. […]


Keith De Silva has been promoted to chief of staff within the Department of Veterans Affairs’ Office of Information Security (OIS), according to his LinkedIn page. […]

military healthcare, veterans healthcare

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) announced today it will delay further deployments of its Oracle Cerner electronic health records (EHR) system until June 2023 to address well-publicized challenges with the system and ensure it functions effectively for veterans and VA health care personnel. […]

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has denied scholarships provided by the agency to well over half of the veterans who applied for them to help complete bachelor’s degrees in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics (STEM) fields. […]

Veterans Affairs

A new audit released by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Office of Inspector General (OIG) is predicting that the agency will reach full compliance with its obligations under the Geospatial Data Act in the near future. […]

military healthcare, veterans healthcare

Members of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies expressed their frustrations with the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Electronic Health Records Modernization (EHRM) program today and urged the agency to repair the program one lawmaker called a “train wreck.” […]

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has faced acquisition management problems – placing it on the Government Accountability Office’s (GAO) High-Risk List – but agency officials on Sept. 20 said they are looking to chart a new course in VA acquisition, one that may require an enterprise-wide approach. […]

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