Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

From pandemic relief bills to the cybersecurity executive order and the bipartisan infrastructure bill, Federal agencies have a wealth of mandates and opportunities to create new programs. While each of these executive and legislative actions feature varying priorities, funding methods, and delivery objectives, in a larger sense they are unified by requiring Federal agencies to […]


The Department of Defense (DoD) last month released its Software Modernization Strategy, an important step to unifying existing technology and directing a more joint approach to systems of the future. It notes that our competitive posture is “reliant on strategic insight, proactive innovation, and effective technology integration enabled through software capabilities.” Further, it asks DoD entities that are driving software development to address management and governance of the 29 software factories spread across the services. […]

If and when the COVID pandemic fades into history, the shift toward remote and hybrid work is poised to persist. In an April 2021 Forrester Consulting survey of more than 1,300 security leaders, business executives, and remote workers, 70 percent said their organizations will have employees working from home one or more days a week during the next 12 to 24 months. […]


The Federal government has recently taken new steps towards creating a zero trust security environment, building on last May’s Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity (EO) aimed at advancing the standards by which we protect our federal information system. […]

Congressional and White House mandates have put digital transformation at the top of to-do lists across the Federal government for many years now – from Cloud Smart strategies to the recent Executive Order on Improving the Nation’s Cybersecurity. These mandates, as well as agency-driven modernization, articulate critical goals such as improving cybersecurity and creating more efficiency. […]