Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Follow The Money A recent audit of the Department of Veterans Affairs’ 2015 financial statements uncovered more than a few problems with the department’s balance sheets. According to the independent public accounting firm CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, the review of VA’s financial statements revealed continuing material weaknesses in the agency’s IT security controls. Although the audit gives […]

Tipping Point @CyberCom My Fort Meade listening post has picked up strong signals that 2016 promises to be a crucial year in the development of U.S. Cyber Command. “You can tell we’re at the tipping point now,” said Admiral Michael S. Rogers, the commander of CyberCom and director of the National Security Agency, speaking Thursday […]

The Situation Report has picked up strong signals from our Office of Management and Budget outpost that senior administration officials are “pissed off” at Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., for inserting language into the omnibus spending bill that passed in December. Alexander is responsible for inserting a paragraph into the omnibus spending package that granted the […]

The Pentagon’s Defense Manpower Data Center may have problems with employees searching for their own personnel files on the Joint Personnel Adjudication System, a serious security concern. “Notifications will be emailed to users who have violated JPAS policy by querying and/or looking up their own record within the last 30 days as a warning to the user,” according to a notice posted to agency employees. […]