Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

The Pentagon’s latest buzz phrase is Identity Activities, which means the Pentagon wants to employ data analysis tools that will leverage biographical, biological, behavioral, and reputational data inputs to help the military determine the identity of a person they encounter on the battlefield and whether that person poses a threat. […]

The TSA last week discovered in a carry-on bag a loaded gun that was constructed of parts made with a 3-D printer….The Veterans Administration is actively pondering what it will require to manage transitioning from its legacy electronic health record, known as VistA, to a commercial EHR….And who’s keeping track of that teleworking equipment at the U.S. Patent and Trademark office? […]

Bank regulations focusing on “too big to fail” have ignited a flurry of mergers and acquisitions in the financial industry, which in turn has created a legacy system vulnerability problem that may be responsible for the majority of data breaches reported to date….And over at DoD, as defense contract obligations reached record highs in 2008, the size of the acquisition workforce in the Defense Department actually shrunk. […]