Smarter Gov Tech, Stronger MerITocracy

Is the Obama administration’s election year lust for Silicon Valley’s dead presidents destroying the future of the career Federal technology leader?…The pace of the Department of Homeland Security’s Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation program is frustrating to some….And a near-miss for Snowden? […]

The Secret Service has an interesting class photo….The CIA is taking cues from the advertising technology industry….IARPA is investing in research into homomorphic encryption—a potential game-changer in the worlds of privacy and security that enables encrypted queries of encrypted databases….And synthetic biology is keeping Jason Matheny up at night. […]

The storm clearly has not passed for some big programs run by the General Services Administration, including FedRAMP’s spending of $150,000 in taxpayer money to duplicate an online dashboard capability that had already been developed in the private sector and made available to the government for free….Also, Rep. Will Hurd, R-Texas, is back with another bill aimed at IT modernization. […]

The Situation Report has the benefit of an intelligence collection network that is reporting some interesting twists and turns in the White House’s finally completed search for the government’s first Federal CISO. […]